After a condo's tough restrictions against pit bulls and harassment by neighbors and management left actor Nick Santino feeling that he had no choice but to put his dog Rocco down, the guilt-ridden owner took his own life as well.
His suicide note bares the anguish of the decision:
Today I betrayed my best friend and put down my best friend.
Rocco trusted me and I failed him. He didn’t deserve this.
No dog or dog owner deserves to go through this. What a tragic reminder of the pain and suffering wrought by breed specific prejudice. Would this man and his dog be dead right now if Rocco hadn't been a pit bull mix? If Rocco hadn't faced restrictions and harassment because of his breed? You don't need a Magic 8-Ball to answer that one; it's a safe bet that management didn't require Yorkie owners to enter and exit the building through the back door.
That is absolutely horrible. RIP Nick and Rocco
Posted by: Pitbull Friends | 03/13/2012 at 02:13 PM